Nov 1, 2015
Waiting to Be Devoured
By: Curtis Crawford
Series: Walking in The Spirit

- Nov 1, 2015Waiting to Be Devoured
Nov 1, 2015Waiting to Be DevouredBy: Curtis CrawfordSeries: Walking in The Spirit
1 Peter 5:8-10 warns us the devil is walking through the earth seeking prey to devour. He and his demons are the ultimate predators and we, believers in Christ, are the ultimate prey. If we stray from our flock and from the Good Shepherd, Jesus Christ we make ourselves vulnerable to attack. Satan preys on the offended, the fearful, and the prideful, but we can can overcome through vigilance and remaining steadfast in the truth of God's word.
- Oct 18, 2015No Heavenly Good
Oct 18, 2015No Heavenly GoodBy: Curtis CrawfordSeries: Walking in The Spirit
In 1 Corinthians, Paul tells the church they are carnal and immature. In this message we look at what carnal living is and the evidence that will manifest itself in the life of one who lives as such.