
The Authority and Inspiration of Scripture

There are three foundational elements that must be understood when looking at the authority and inspiration of scripture. They are Revelation, Inspiration, and Illumination.

To keep it simple think of these elements in this way:

A truth that was not known before.
The method by which Revelation is communicated to man.
The method by which man understands Revelation.

When God has a truth that He desires to communicate to man (Revelation), He speaks that truth into the heart of man and guides as man communicates that truth to others (Inspiration). Once the truth has been communicated, He opens man’s heart and mind to understand it and apply it to his life (Illumination).

Once you understand these elements and God’s involvement in each, you can then appreciate the authenticity and authority of scripture. The truth originates from God and He is responsible for communicating the truth to man and helping man to understand it. There is no room for human error, opinion, or prejudice.

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