Posted on Sep 9, 2020 in Devotional | Tags: 2 Timothy 2:1-7, Apostle Paul, athlete, devotion, ever faithful, faithfulness, farmer, harvest, planting, reaping, salvation, soldier, sowing

The Farmer Part 4
After Ploughing the soil of the world, planting seeds of faith, watering with the source of Christ, we have the final product: A harvest of faithful souls! The quintessential virtues throughout this process are faith, patience, and consistent work. The Farmer has seen every step and having faithfully executed each step, he will assuredly receive a result. The fruit we share in is the righteousness of Christ.
The “First pick of the Crop” is the fruit of faith in Christ manifested in justification, sanctification, and ultimately the unseen glorification of God’s people. The brilliant thing about being Farmers for Christ is that we glory in Christ’s harvest. Every step comes to the climax of reproducing God’s original work through obedience and conformity to Him.
- How does your life reflect the soldier, the athlete, and the farmer? Is there one area you are weaker in then the others? Which is it and why?
- What change can you make today to assist you with marching in step, running with endurance, and sowing with patience?
Written by: Bill Crawford
September 2020
Posted on Sep 8, 2020 in Devotional | Tags: 2 Timothy 2:1-7, athlete, devotion, ever faithful, faithful, farmer, harvest, Jesus Christ, planting, reaping, soldier, sowing, watering

The Farmer Part 3
Watering the Seed: Digging Ditches
The Farmer has a responsibility to feed and water the seeds planted. It should be our joy when we see a new faith take root to endeavor to grow our new brothers faith in Christ. Watering is a tricky thing, as it usually requires a source greater than man can carry or provide. Ancient cultures would usually have two options: Rain form above, or a river from below. To properly water a field large ditches would need to be built. These ditches brought water to the fields so the seeds could drink and receive this necessary component for growth.
Posted on Sep 7, 2020 in Devotional | Tags: 2 Timothy 2:1-7, athelete, athlete, devotion, faith, farmer, gospel, Jesus, plant, race, running, seed, soldier, water, witness, word

The Farmer Part 2
Planting the Seed
Once a man has had the soil of his heart tilled by the revelation of God’s truth, he ready for the seed of faith to be planted. Seeding (or Sowing) is a matter of having the courage to sow in the first place. Many Christians are content in their lives, and uncomfortable with the task of sowing. They may find a freshly ploughed field ready, for the introduction of God’s mercy, grace, and forgiveness, yet they will not reach into their bag of seed to plant.
I have found those who have an aversion to planting in others usually lack seed themselves! Christ called us to preach and make disciples. It was his final commandment! Yet when faced with this, many are content to shrug their shoulders and carry on. They are content with their mustard seed, why share?
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Posted on Aug 31, 2020 in Devotional | Tags: 2 Timothy 2:1-7, athlete, devotion, faithful, faithfulness, farmer, service, soldier

Day 1: Ever Faithful
Paul begins this chapter encouraging Timothy to be strong. Paul called for strength no less than twenty-five times throughout his letters to Timothy. This call is not just for Timothy, but it is for “All faithful men.” Let us pause and consider what that truly implies: Paul did not say powerful men, he did not say wise men, and he did not say charismatic men. He says FAITHFUL men!
The Greek word “Faithful” is “Pistos” and it describes “one who readily believes.” This word is also a business term for someone who is dedicated to their work and can be trusted to fulfill their duties. God needs men who are consistent. He is not looking for intelligence because God takes the foolish things and confounds the wise (1 Cor. 1:26-31). God is not looking for the strong, for in our weakness He becomes our strength (2 Cor. 12:9). God is not looking for the beautiful, for He sees the measure of a man’s heart, rather than his looks (1 Sam. 16:7). Read more…