
Ever Faithful: The Farmer Pt. 2

The Farmer Part 2

2 Timothy 2:1-7

Planting the Seed

Once a man has had the soil of his heart tilled by the revelation of God’s truth, he  ready for the seed of faith to be planted. Seeding (or Sowing) is a matter of having the courage to sow in the first place. Many Christians are content in their lives, and uncomfortable with the task of sowing. They may find a freshly ploughed field ready, for the introduction of God’s mercy, grace, and forgiveness, yet they will not reach into their bag of seed to plant.
I have found those who have an aversion to planting in others usually lack seed themselves! Christ called us to preach and make disciples. It was his final commandment! Yet when faced with this, many are content to shrug their shoulders and carry on. They are content with their mustard seed, why share?
It is the sign of an immature Christian who cannot and will not share their faith. Sharing and planting faith in others implies that you are a fruit bearing crop. You have seed because yours has grown to be a strong plant producing good fruit for further harvest. Many Christians are afraid to germinate, to allow the transfer of seed and the multiplication of it because they are afraid. They fear mockery, isolation, insults, rejection, and persecution. Such things are a distraction, for if faith as small as a mustard seed can move mountains, it should take an even smaller potion to move people to share their Savior.
Christ does not require a bumper-crop of faith, he requires a farmer willing to plant. It may be hard work, but it is the joy of the Christian to see Christ’s harvest. Those who work in the fields will one day see the Harvest of faith planted and made manifest.
Written by: Bill Crawford
September 2020
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